General Andika Perkasa Becomes Commander Of The Indonesian Armed Forces, National Police Chief: Hopefully TNI-Polri Solidity Will Be Stronger

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo congratulated the inauguration of General TNI Andika Perkasa as the Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces as well as hoped to strengthen the synergy.

"Hopefully the solidity and synergy of the TNI/Polri will be stronger in facing various challenges and threats that will disrupt the stability of the nation and state as the main capital in national development," said Sigit, quoted from the video greeting for the inauguration of General Andika Perkasa which was uploaded on the National Police Chief's social media account, quoted from the video. Between, Wednesday, November 17th.

According to the National Police Chief, as the frontline guarding the sovereignty and integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, the TNI must always be ready to face the increasingly complex dynamics of the strategic environment and the wider spectrum of threats such as cyber threats, hybrid wars, violations of sovereignty, and other threats.

"For that, we need a professional and modern TNI figure so that it can transform into an Indonesian defense force capable of playing a role in regional and global strategic environments," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief also said that the TNI and Polri are the frontlines in handling and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

"During this COVID-19 pandemic, the TNI and Polri are always present as a source of strategic strength in the context of controlling COVID-19 and maintaining the stability of the defense and security of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)," said Sigit.

Sigit believes that in the future the TNI will be more professional and loved by the community, always at the forefront of maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, both on land, sea and air.

"Congratulations on duty. TNI is us," said the National Police Chief.