Raup Hundreds Of Millions After Tricking Victims Of Being A Civil Servant, Men In North Sumatra Arrested

MEDAN - Claiming to be able to help his victims become civil servants as a warden at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the man with the initials IED (42) must deal with the law. IED was arrested by the Satreskrim team of the South Tapanuli Police for fraud.

South Tapanuli Police Chief AKBP Roman Smaradhana Elhaj said IED was arrested on a report from one of the victims named Sangap Daulay. From the results of his actions, the perpetrators managed to reap hundreds of millions of victims.

"The suspect admitted his actions. There were 14 victims. Some were from South Tapanuli, Mandailing Natal, Sibolga and other areas," said AKBP Roman, Wednesday, November 17.

AKBP Roman said the IED was arrested in hiding in a rented house in Medan City, Thursday 11 November. Prior to his arrest, the South Tapanuli Police had assigned him a DPO status.

This case occurred on Saturday, December 2, 2019. At that time, the victim received news that the perpetrator could help pass people into civil servants at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

The victim also went to the residence of the perpetrator in Sidadi I Village, Batang Angkola District, South Tapanuli Regency. At the perpetrator's house, the victim handed over files and Rp150 million in cash.

After receiving the money, the perpetrator gave a receipt signed by him.

"Then about three months later, the victim contacted the suspect to inquire about the progress of the CPNS acceptance problem. He replied that the complainant should be patient because the receipt is being processed," said AKBP Roman.

Then, on February 6, 2020, the perpetrator contacted the victim and asked to be sent a sum of IDR 5 million for the cost of adjusting the certificates of the prospective CPNS candidates he was taking care of.

The victim also sent the money to the account of the perpetrator. However, until March 2020 there was no realization of the perpetrator's promises. Feeling cheated, the victim then made a report to the South Tapanuli Police on March 22, 2020.

"IED suspects are threatened with Article 372 and or 378 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 4 years in prison," said AKBP Roman.