In Bangkalan Madura, An Industrial Area Will Be Built

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is targeting the development of an industrial area in Bangkalan as one of the centers of industrial growth in East Java.

"Industrial development is not only carried out through a sectoral approach that is realized through strengthening industrial structures and being competitive, but also needs to be carried out through a spatial approach implemented through the development of industrial zoning," said the Director General of Resilience, Territorial and International Industrial Access (KPAII) of the Ministry of Industry, Eko SA Cahyanto in Bangkalan, East Java, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 17.

During a Specific Working Visit with Commission VII DPR RI in Bangkalan Regency, the Director General of KPAII said that currently there are 22 Industrial Growth Center Areas (WPPI) spread throughout Indonesia, including East Java.

"Bangkalan Regency is included in the WPPI East Java, so it is a shared responsibility to develop Bangkalan to become one of the centers of industrial growth in East Java," he said in a written statement.

Eko also said that East Java is one of the provinces that provides the largest contribution to the National GDP. It was recorded that in 2020, East Java Province contributed Rp. 2,300 trillion or 15 percent of the National GDP.

"The processing industry sector in East Java Province is the largest contributor to the GRDP structure of East Java Province, which is up to 30.69 percent," he said.

In particular, the GRDP value of Bangkalan Regency during the 2016-2020 period increased quite significantly from IDR 509 billion to IDR 573 billion, an increase of 12.6 percent.

"The food and beverage industry is the sector with the largest industrial investment realization in Bangkalan. This is in line with our hope to encourage downstream commodities in Bangkalan in order to increase added value, GDP and employment," he added.

The Director General of KPAII conveyed that spatial planning was an important part in planning the development of industrial estates and the industrial sector.

This development must be located in an Industrial Designated Area (KPI) in the Spatial Plan, so that the determination of KPI needs to be carried out according to certain criteria that are in accordance with the industrial ecosystem in order to attract investment and trigger economic growth in the Region.

"As an investment instrument, in practice it is necessary to evaluate the location of KPIs in Bangkalan, especially in terms of optimizing their use and in order to accommodate plans for industrial estates in Bangkalan," he said.

The Ministry of Industry noted that currently there are 133 industrial estates spread throughout Indonesia, with land use reaching 60 thousand hectares.

"Industrial areas have proven to be very instrumental in improving economic conditions in the regions," he said.

In fact, the development of industrial estates can trigger a multiplier effect that moves the wheels of the regional economy significantly.

"In an effort to accelerate the growth of new industrial areas, the Ministry of Industry has determined 27 industrial areas to be developed in the 2020-2024 RPJMN," said Eko.

One of the industrial areas to be developed is located in Bangkalan, which is planned to be in Klampis District with a land requirement of 600 hectares.

However, the development of this industrial area needs to be supported by the development of supporting infrastructure.

"In addition, there needs to be good coordination between stakeholders in the construction of the Bangkalan KI, and the Ministry of Industry is ready to encourage the acceleration of its development," he said.

Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Bambang Haryadi said the implementation of the working visit in Bangkalan was in the context of the task of supervising the development of industrial estate development plans included in the 2020-2024 RPJMN.

"This industrial area is directed for the development of strategic industries," he said.

Meanwhile, Bangkalan Regent R. Abdul Latif Amin Imron said that the industrial development project was carried out through the construction of the Tanjung Bulupandan Industrial Estate and Port Complex, Klampis District.

"The potential for industrial development in Bangkalan Regency is considered quite high because Bangkalan Regency is one of the gas-producing regions, but until now the majority of the gas utilization is still sent and utilized by other regions on the island of Java," he said.