2 Bank DKI Officials Arrested Due To Alleged Corruption In Apartment Ownership Loans

JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta District Attorney arrested da

n arrested two high-ranking officials of the DKI bank and one private party in a corruption crime in providing credit facilities for cash KPA apartment ownership.

The head of the Central Jakarta District Attorney's Office, Bima Suprayoga, said the detention was carried out based on detention warrants No. 775/776 and 777.

"The three suspects that we have detained are RISE as president director of PT Brothbish Asia, the second is MT as the head of the Muara Angke sub-branch of Bank DKI, the third is JPSE as the head of Bank DKI Permata Hijau branch," said Bima in his statement, Wednesday, November 17. .

Bima explained that there were irregularities in the process of giving KPA cash in stages to Bank DKI Muara Angke Branch and Bank DKI Permata Hijau Branch, namely falsifying data on debtors.

In fact, said Bima, in reality the debtor has never applied for credit to the DKI bank.

"One more thing we found, there is no guarantee for the gradual cash KPA that has been disbursed by Bank DKI. As a result, the cash KPA credit gradually becomes non-performing, which results in losses," explained Bima.

Thus, the case of falsifying data on the provision of KPA Tunai credit facilities from Bank DKI Muara Angke Sub-branch and Bank DKI Permata Hijau Branch to PT Brothbish in 2011-2017 cost the state finances around Rp. 39 billion.

The three suspects are suspected of violating primary Article 2 Paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 3 Juncto Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption which has been amended or added to Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

"We detained the three of them for 20 days. The RISW and MT suspects were detained at the Salemba Jakpus Class 1 Rutan and JPSE were detained in the Cipinang Class 1 Rutan, East Jakarta," added Bima.