VIDEO: Criminal Expert Says About Viral Examination Cases Of Angry Wife Drunk Husband Sues Jail

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin ordered Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes Fadil Zumhana to conduct a special examination related to the handling of the domestic violence case of defendant Valencya alias Nengsy Lim at the Karawang District Attorney.

"The Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes moved quickly as a form of quick wins program by issuing an Order for the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes to conduct a special examination of the handling of cases on behalf of the defendant Valencya Alias Nengsy Lim," said Head of the Attorney General's Office for Legal Information, Leonard Eben. Ezer Simanjuntak quoted by Antara, Monday, November 15.

The implementation of a special examination of the handling of the domestic violence case with the defendant Valencya who was sentenced to 1 year for scolding her drunken husband, Leonard continued, was carried out by interviewing nine people, both from the West Java High Prosecutor's Office, the Karawang District Attorney, and the public prosecutor (P- 16 A), Monday.

From the examination, a number of findings were obtained. First, from the pre-prosecution stage to the prosecution stage, the Karawang District Attorney or the West Java High Prosecutor's Office were considered to have no sense of crisis, namely sensitivity in handling cases.

Second, they do not understand Guideline Number 3 of 2019 concerning Criminal Claims in General Crime Cases.

"In the provisions of Chapter II in Numbers 1 point 6 and point 7, the control of criminal charges in general criminal cases with the principle of equality handled at the Attorney General's Office or the High Prosecutor's Office is carried out by the head of the district attorney's office or the head of the branch of the district attorney's office as referred to in point (1) with continue to pay attention to the provisions in points (2), (3), and (4)," said Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak.

So what do criminal observers say? Watch in this video: