Refly Harun Says End Of 2023 Rizieq Shihab Can Go To Government

JAKARTA - The Supreme Court (MA) in a cassation decision reduced Rizieq Shihab's sentence in the UMMI Hospital case. Rizieq Shihab in the cassation decision was sentenced to 2 years in prison from the previous decision which was upheld at the appeal level, namely 4 years in prison.

In its decision, the Supreme Court rejected the appeal from Cassation Petitioner I/General Prosecutor at the East Jakarta District Attorney. The cassation judge also rejected the petition for cassation by the Petitioner for Cassation Il/Defendant Moh Rizieq Bin Husein Syihab alias Habib Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

Constitutional Law expert Refly Harun welcomed the Supreme Court judge's decision. With this decision, neither speculation nor scenarios targeting Rizieq Shihab in prison until the end of 2024 are not proven.

Rizieq will breathe free air at the end of 2022 if he counts remission or serves two-thirds of his sentence.

"When serving two-thirds of the prison term, you can be free as long as you have good behavior. Yes, the habib period did not behave well. If you are critical, don't think of it as an act that is not good, being critical is different, it is actually good,"

"I appreciate in quotes the courage of the Supreme Court judges to reduce their sentences because there is a lot of speculation saying that Habib Rizieq wants to be imprisoned until 2024, so that he doesn't mess around, don't come. This decision will make him free before 2023, before 2024 too. and it is not proven what someone said in the past who said see you in 2026," explained Refly, quoted from the Youtube channel @Refly Harun, Tuesday, November 16.

By breathing free air, according to Refly, Rizieq Shihab is able to participate as a citizen who has constitutional rights to participate in and outside the government.

"So equality before the law, equality in law and government," said Refly.

There is also the consideration of the cassation panel, namely, even though the defendant Rizieq Shihab has been proven to have committed an act by broadcasting a false notification by deliberately publishing trouble among the people as in the first alternative indictment of the Public Prosecutor, the result of the publication of the trouble from the defendant's actions only occurred at the level of the mass media.

"There were no casualties/physical or property damage and the Defendant, apart from the a quo case, has also been sentenced in other cases which are a series of events concerning COVID 19.

Therefore, Judex Facti's sentence to the Defendant for 4 years is considered too heavy, so that the sentence imposed on the Defendant is appropriate or reasonable to be corrected by imposing a lighter sentence," said the Supreme Court's cassation decision, quoted by VOI, Monday, November 15.