Calm And Gentle, Message Of The Minister Of Religion Yaqut On The Day Of Tolerance: Not A Brother In Faith In Humanity

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas gave a calm and gentle message to residents when commemorating the International Day of Tolerance which took place on Tuesday, November 16. Minister of Religion Yaqut invited all people to foster a spirit of collaboration for the good of each other.

"Diversity is the potential for us to get to know each other and collaborate in goodness and realize the common good. Because those who are not of the same faith are brothers in humanity," said Minister of Religion Yaqut in a written statement received in Jakarta, quoted by Antara.

Yaqut said the point of celebrating the International Day of Tolerance is to celebrate diversity in real life, and to ensure that everyone understands the importance of giving each other space.

Every human being, he said, needs to cultivate awareness that the diversity of religions, languages, cultures and ethnicities is not an excuse for conflict, but the wealth of mankind.

"Diversity is wealth," he said.

He explained that the Ministry of Religion was trying to strengthen religious moderation. There are four indicators in strengthening religious moderation, namely national commitment, tolerance, non-violence, and friendly to tradition.

Religious moderation, according to him, is a religious perspective, attitude, and practice in living together by implementing the essence of religious teachings that protect human dignity and build benefits based on fair, balanced principles and obey the constitution as a national agreement.

"Religious moderation is not an attempt to moderate religion, but rather to moderate our understanding and practice of religion," he said.

The Minister of Religion hopes, especially for ASN within the Ministry of Religion, to be a pioneer in strengthening religious moderation. The Minister of Religion also invited religious leaders, academics, youth leaders, lecturers, teachers, and religious instructors, as well as millennials to work together in the movement to increase tolerance among people through all channels.

"Difference is nature," he said.