Komnas HAM Admits, Conflicts Triggered By Diversity In Indonesia Are Still High

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) recognizes conflict cases because diversity is still high in the country. Fortunately, the case can be handled well.

Coordinator of the Sub-Commission for the Advancement of Human Rights/Commissioner for Education and Counseling of Komnas HAM, Beka Ulung Hapsara, said that there were several old cases that had yet to be resolved.

Unfortunately, Beka Ulung did not explain in detail the case in question. "We still leave homework or cases that have been around for a long time and have not been resolved yet," he explained in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, October 15.

According to him, cases have not been resolved due to diversity, due to religion and beliefs held by the community. Law enforcers need time to unravel these problems so that there is no friction in the community.

"This is not an easy matter to solve these cases," said Beka.

In general, according to Beka Ulung's assessment, the level of harmony and pluralism of society in Indonesia is good.

"So we will not be able to uniform Indonesia for one color," he also said.

Currently, said Beka, Semarang City, Central Java is one area that can be used as an example by other districts and cities in terms of promoting and upholding human rights.

For the concern and partisanship of the City of Semarang in upholding human rights, the 2021 Human Rights Festival will be centered in that city

Regarding the election of the City of Semarang as the host of the 2021 Human Rights Festival, because the city was able to beat the City of Bogor, which was actually also interested in hosting it.

Prior to the determination to host the 2021 Human Rights Festival, each regional head of the two cities made a presentation in front of the Komnas HAM Commissioner. In the end, Komnas HAM chose Semarang with several notes.

Besides Semarang, Komnas HAM also noted several other areas that are human rights friendly in terms of religious harmony or belief, including Wonosobo, Singkawang, Salatiga, Bogor, Pematang Siantar, and several other areas.

"So actually there are many other cities and regencies that are very tolerant and friendly to those who are different," he said again.