Screaming In Front Of Bulldozers, Dozens Of LCs Don't Accept Their Workplaces Being Demolished By The Authorities

JAKARTA – A number of people, including female night entertainment workers or Ladies Companion (LC) protested the forced demolition of a nightclub on South Ring Road, Serang City, Monday 15 November.

The protest action is a form of resistance or disagreement with government policies related to controlling nightclubs.

Video of the demolition action circulated on a number of social media. In the video, it can be seen that a bulldozer unit is being held hostage by dozens of people as a form of deterrence for refusing to be dismantled.

Ladies Companion (LC) who didn't accept their workplace was demolished apart/ Photo: Screen capture video

The LCs also brought a number of papers with a complaint about their place of livelihood being evicted.

“If our workplace is demolished. So provide for us. We are not corrupt that you have to harass. #otw is a stash”, wrote the demonstrators.

The demolition action was carried out by the Serang Regency Satpol PP, accompanied by the Police and TNI. The demonstration, which was initially peaceful, then turned violent.

Ladies Companion (LC) who didn't accept their workplace was demolished apart/ Photo: Screen capture video

Nightlife workers objected to the demolition. They assess where else to look for work to support their families.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, AKBP Shinto Silitonga, confirmed the chaos.

"The police chief is at the scene." In short, when contacted by VOI, Monday 15 November.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Serang Police, KBP Maruli Hutapea, when confirmed, has not yet responded.