Labor Comes To Provincial Government Suggests Wage Increase By IDR 400,000, Ganjar: Better Dialogue Than Demo, My Fence Is Broken

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo invited a number of workers from the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) to his office this morning. Ganjar wants to listen to the workers' proposals regarding the district/city minimum wage.

The meeting was a follow-up to the demonstration conducted by KSPI on 10 November. At that time the workers failed to meet Ganjar who was out of town. However, the communication continued until finally Ganjar invited KSPI to sit together in the meeting room of Building A on the 2nd floor of the Central Java Provincial Government complex.

The workers, represented by the Secretary General of KSPI, Aulia Hakim and several heads of labor organizations in Central Java, had a lively dialogue with Ganjar. They discussed various issues, particularly related to wages and proposals and wage formulas for 2022.

Secretary General of KSPI, Aulia Hakim said that his party appreciates Ganjar for accepting an audience with representatives of workers today. According to him, the arrival of the workers met Ganjar to submit suggestions and input related to the wage formula for 2022.

"Our wages are still very low when compared to other provinces. So, we are here to convey the wage formula with the increasing needs of workers directly to Pak Ganjar," he said, Monday, November 15.

Ganjar Pranowo (Photo via Central Java Provincial Government)

Aulia explained, during the current pandemic, the need for workers increases because they have to work with the concept of a new habit (new normal). They have to spend a budget to buy masks, hand sanitizers, vitamins, study quotas for children and so on.

"By showing the basic needs during the pandemic, we propose an increase in wages in Central Java at least 10 percent from 2021. If calculated, the increase is around Rp. 300,000-Rp 400,000," he explained.

Aulia believes Ganjar will be realistic and willing to increase the wages of workers for next year. Moreover, last year, Ganjar became the only governor who set a higher wage than the national one.

"We hope that Mr. Ganjar will repeat last year's achievements, by setting the wage increase rate above the national level," he concluded.

Ganjar himself welcomed and appreciated the workers who wanted to come to provide input directly. According to Ganjar, rather than a demonstration, it would be more optimal if the proposal was submitted using such a dialogue method.

"I thank you because my friends are active. Due to the pandemic, it would be good if the model conveyed it directly to us. Yesterday I saw them demo. Never mind, instead of raining, my fence is damaged, it's better to just come and chat like this, it's good," said Ganjar .

Moreover, in the meeting, workers can submit inputs and proposals directly to them. He also appreciated that the formulas and proposals regarding wages from workers were very good and clear.

"The proposal is good, the formula is clearly made. Of course, the input will be taken into consideration for us. Later we will overlay it with our formula," he said.

Even so, Ganjar also asked all parties to consider the conditions of their respective companies. Because not only workers, the Central Java provincial government also received many complaints from entrepreneurs affected by the pandemic.

"That's why I ask all of you to see. Thank God, my fellow workers are helping to cluster, whether the company they work for is still profitable, is it normal or not. Because we currently know that there are a lot of people who have been laid off, reduced working hours and so on," he said. .

Regarding the proposed wage increase, Ganjar said input and formulas from labor unions would be taken into consideration. He ordered everyone to sit down and discuss it well. He has also ordered the Head of the Central Java Manpower and Transmigration Office to facilitate.

Ganjar Pranowo (Photo via Central Java Provincial Government)

"So tomorrow, please, if there are workers who will come to provide input, we are open. Because of the pandemic we must be on guard. There is no need for a lot of demonstrations. Just come as KSPI friends did today. I think it's better and elegant. In the future, if anything else can be found between workers and employers to discuss this, "he said.

On that occasion, the labor representatives also proposed to Ganjae regarding the Raperda on labor. The Raperda is important to make considering that investment in Central Java will certainly increase.

"This is a good input which we will certainly follow up. It turns out that the DPRD has also prepared and I asked for the file to be distributed to fellow workers so that the results will actually become the best regulations," he concluded.