Kemendikbudristek Distributes Quota Assistance For 21.29 Million Educators And Students For The November 2021 Period
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has again distributed internet data quota assistance to 21.29 million educators and students in the November 2021 period.
The assistance was distributed to 906,000 PAUD student numbers, 6.8 million elementary school students, 3.8 million junior high school students, 2.5 million high school students, 2.4 million vocational students, 41 thousand special education students; 22 thousand equivalence students; 1.2 million teachers, 192,000 vocational students, 3.2 million academic students, 10,000 vocational lecturers, and 117,000 academic lecturers.
“We hope that the quota assistance will serve as a bridge before the face-to-face learning process runs completely. Hopefully students, teachers, lecturers, and students take full advantage of this quota assistance to help the teaching and learning process," said Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim, in Jakarta, in a written statement. in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, November 14.
The amount of assistance allocated for PAUD students is 7 GB/month and for elementary and secondary education students is 10 GB/month. Meanwhile, for early childhood education teachers (PAUD) and basic and secondary education, the amount is 12 GB/month. Meanwhile, for students and lecturers, 15 GB/month is provided for assistance. "The validity period of this internet data quota is valid for 30 days since the data quota is received," said Nadiem.
All internet data quota assistance in 2021 is a general quota that can be used to access all pages and applications except those blocked by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), and those listed on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture's internet data quota assistance: http://kuota-
The provision of internet data quota assistance for 2021, has been announced by the Minister of Education and Technology on August 8, 2021 together with the Minister of Finance and Minister of Religion. This assistance is intended to support the smooth implementation of limited face-to-face learning (PTM) which is still combined with distance learning (PJJ).
Previously, the Ministry of Education and Culture issued a policy of providing internet quota data assistance to help access information for teachers, students, students, and lecturers in undergoing Distance Learning (PJJ) during the pandemic. During 2020, the Ministry of Education and Culture has provided internet quota subsidies for students, teachers, students, and lecturers for four months from September to December 2020 worth IDR 7.2 trillion. This year, in September 2021, the Ministry of Education and Culture again distributed internet quota data assistance to 24.4 million users and in October 2021 it was distributed to 26.6 million recipients.