End Of The Wing Chun Master's Journey

JAKARTA - The Wing Chun master is back on the big screen through the fourth and final film in the "Ip Man" series which is based on a true story.
"Ip Man 4: The Finale" tells of the life of Wing Chun master Ip Man (Donnie Yen) who has not changed after his wife died. Even Ip Man also had to accept the fact that his relationship with his son was getting more distant.
As a parent, Ip Man then looked for a way to make his son's future life better by sending him to school abroad. Ip Man then decided to go to the United States with a plane ticket that was given by one of Bruce Lee's students who had come to see him in Hong Kong.
However, Ip Man finds a harsh reality in a country that he thinks will promise these dreams, namely that there is racial discrimination that is far worse than he thought.
In addition, Ip Man also tries to ease the tension between the local kung fu masters and his student Bruce Lee while looking for a better future for his son.
The last film series Ip Man is set in the city of San Francisco, United States in 1964. This film is again directed by Wilson Yip with Hiroshi Fukuzawa as screenwriter and Raymond Wong as producer.
"Ip Man 4: The Finale" will invite the audience to feel the inner turmoil within the Wing Chun master. While trying to improve his relationship with his son, Ip Man has to accept the fact that he has malignant cancer.
Once again, Donnie Yen proved that Ip Man's role was inherent in him. Also, the audience who enjoyed the heartwarming family drama of the last three films, the bond between Ip and his own son, may be the best part of the story.
"Ip Man 4: The Finale" also features various action scenes with impressive hand-to-hand combat choreography. Like when Ip Man fought with Barton Geddes (Scott Adkins), an American marine who became the highlight of the film.
This film also shows a little action action from one of Ip Man's students, namely Bruce Lee (Danny Chan), who is said to have successfully opened a martial arts school in the United States.
The film "Ip Man 4: The Finale" also stars Vaness Wu, Chris Collins, Wu Yue, to Vanda Margraf. This film began showing in theaters on December 20, 2019. But for viewers in Indonesia, please be patient, because the status is still coming soon.