6 Villages In East Kotawaringin Submerged By Floods, Worst In Rubung Buyung

KALTENG - The high rainfall in the past week has flooded dozens of villages in six sub-districts in East Kotawaringin (Kotim) Regency, Central Kalimantan.

"There are currently six sub-districts recorded. We continue to monitor and several BPBD personnel have also been dispatched to flood locations. We urge the public to remain vigilant because rain is still frequent," said the Head of the East Kotawaringin Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Rihel in Jakarta. Sampit, Antara, Saturday, November 13.

According to a report received by the East Kotawaringin BPBD this morning, six sub-districts were hit by floods, namely Tualan Hulu, Cempaga, Cempaga Hulu, Parenggean, Mentawa Baru Ketapang and Baamang. The water level varies, from 60 centimeters to almost two meters.

Severe flooding occurred in Rubung Buyung Village, Cempaga Hulu District. According to Rihel, the flood submerged 32 houses inhabited by 518 people.

BPBD has sent a team to monitor flood conditions in a number of locations. The officers also reminded the public to increase their vigilance because rain still frequently occurs in some areas.

"We are also coordinating with the sub-district head regarding detailed data on flood conditions and residents in flood locations. We ask villages and sub-districts that have not yet sent detailed data to immediately send the data because it is important for us in making policies and taking action in the field," said Rihel.

Meanwhile, the center of Sampit City is also not spared from flooding due to heavy rains that have occurred in the last three days. Floods hit a number of housing estates in the city, which includes the Districts of Mentawa Baru, Ketapang and Baamang.

Regarding the handling of floods that still frequently hit Sampit, the Regent of Kotim Halikinnor said the local government had already designed flood management. The local government will budget funds to make Siring the Mentawa River.

"In 2022, it is budgeted for the construction of the Mentawa River Siring. Later, the normalization of other rivers will also be carried out to reduce the potential for flooding," he said.

The local government also hopes for budgetary support from the central government for river normalization and urban drainage improvement.

He admitted that due to the current limited funds, the efforts made must also be carried out in stages according to the budget's capacity, said Halikinnor.