Invite The Minister For Kunker, Puan Wants To Talk To The People, Not Only Accommodated But Directly Addressed

JAKARTA - The move by the chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, to invite a number of officials, including ministers, on her working visit to the region, is not without reason. Puan not only absorbs the aspirations of the people, but can directly ask the minister to execute the aspirations of the people.

“So this method really cuts the bureaucracy. Usually, members of the DPR absorb the aspirations of the people, then hold an internal meeting, then hold a meeting with the ministers, then submit it to the government. So Puan's method is very effective so that the aspirations of the people are quickly channeled and executed," said Political Communication Lecturer at the University of Indonesia, Ari Junaedi, in Jakarta, Saturday, November 13.

Ari explained that the constitutional duties of DPR members are only to absorb aspirations and then channel them into the functions of legislation, oversight and budgeting. According to him, the people's aspirations can only be executed by executive officials, such as ministers.

By involving the minister, said Ari, Puan has carried out the supervisory function of the government effectively.

"DPR is only the legislature, supervising, executing the executive, president or minister. So it is correct if Puan invites the minister to be able to hear directly the aspirations and opinions of the people, so that they can be channeled effectively," said Ari.

During her recent visit to the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) and Banyuwangi, Puan invited two ministers, namely the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono and the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA), I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, and Chairman of Commission IV DPR (Agriculture, Marine and Environment), Sub-Department. All three are from the same party, the PDI-P.

"Puan wants to absorb the aspirations of fishermen, she invites the Minister of KKP who is also from PDIP. Puan wanted to absorb women's aspirations, she brought the Minister of PPPA. It is good that these ministers hear directly the aspirations of the people and execute them immediately," said Ari.

However, according to Ari, not all members of the DPR can make a working visit like this Puan, unless she has great influence in her party, and the party also has executive/ministerial officials in charge of matters relating to the aspirations of the people.

"Because the Minister of Agriculture is not from PDIP, Puan invites the Chair of Commission IV (agriculture) who happens to be from PDIP, to hear directly the aspirations of farmers in DIY. Later, the Chairperson of Commission IV will be able to convey his aspirations directly to the Minister of Agriculture during the meeting," said Ari.

According to Ari, the use of Puan's power, both in the party and in the DPR, for a working visit like this is a positive thing for the people.

"Because the people not only want their aspirations to be heard, but also to get a concrete and quick solution," said Ari.