Viral Hofer's Hard Kick Overthrows Goretzka Ends In Praise

JAKARTA - A horrific incident in the Qatar 2022 World Cup Qualification match between Germany and Liechtenstein has gone viral. Not just because of the stunning final score. But there are terrible things that happen in the penalty box.

In the match that took place at the Volkswagen Arena on Friday, November 12, a terrible incident occurred between Germany midfielder Leon Goretzka and Liechtenstein's Jens Hofer. The incident made Hofer sent off because he was given a red card.

From the short video uploaded to the Twitter account @MafiaWasit, it can be seen how terrible moments occurred in the match. It all started when Hofer tried to block the ball with a high jump in the air.

Only a matter of seconds, Hofer who was about to land himself had time to try to kick the ball in front of him. Unfortunately, instead of kicking the ball, he hit Goretzka right with his pull shoe right in the face.

The painful incident left Goretzka lying on the field for a long time. In the midst of that moment, Hofer's sportsmanship immediately reaped praise for deftly ensuring that the opponent was not in danger.

"No need to wait for it to go viral first to apologize," wrote the account statement accompanying the video.

The statement was made to appreciate Hofer's attitude towards Goretzka. Where Hofer was seen who immediately apologized and kept trying to ask Goretzka's condition until he left the field.

In the aftermath of the incident in the penalty box, the referee immediately rewarded Horfer with a red card. Realizing what he had done to endanger his opponent, Hofer accepted the decision gracefully and without a fight, he even looked so sorry for hurting Goretzka.

The sportsmanship and responsibility shown by Hofer received a warm welcome from netizens. Many of them praised the player's attitude and said that this is how sportsmanship should work.

Apart from that incident, the German national team successfully closed the game with a big win. They locked the final score with the numbers 9-0.

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