Soil Movement In Cisolok Sukabumi Causes Houses To Crack And Collapse

SUKABUMI - The landslide disaster in Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, caused one house to collapse and several others were threatened, even some houses on the walls and foundations have started to crack.

"Rohim's house that collapsed, fortunately when the incident happened, the occupants were no longer in the house, while there were quite a number of those that were threatened and cracked, including my house," said one resident whose house was also threatened by the landslide, Turgandi told reporters in Sukabumi. quoted by Antara, Friday, November 12.

According to Turgandi, the landslide disaster in RT 06/02, Wangunsari Village had occurred some time ago, but it was not so severe. Now day by day the land that has collapsed and cracked is increasingly spreading to residential areas.

In fact, residents have started to get nervous and panicked, especially when it rains, which is feared that the ground movement will expand which could cause damage, such as Rohim's house which initially collapsed and finally collapsed on Wednesday, November 10.

In addition, he and his family will soon evacuate to a safer place because the foundation of the house is already badly cracked. Therefore, Turgandi is currently looking for a rental as well as fixing his belongings to be moved.

This land movement disaster occurred since the dredging of the project under the residential area, initially there were only small cracks. However, because it was raining almost every day, the cracks were getting wider and wider.

"This land movement has occurred since the dredging of land at the tourist attraction location, actually before the project, I have even been here for 35 years, there has never been a disaster like this," he said.

Turgandi said officers from the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), the Tourism Office and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sukabumi Regency had visited the location on Thursday, November 11.

However, the results of the field inspection carried out by officers will only be available in the next two weeks. However, his party did not want to wait for fear of the house collapsing due to this disaster which could injure him and his family.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD of Sukabumi Regency, Wawan Godawan Saputra, said that land movement disasters occurred in several sub-districts, one of which was in Cisolok District. His party along with other relevant agencies have reviewed the location to find out the cause of the disaster.

The results of the review and research conducted by PVMBG officers will later be reported to the Sukabumi Regent and other relevant agencies to make future policies.

"We urge residents whose houses are located in the vicinity or areas of land movement locations to be vigilant, especially when it rains and to anticipate unwanted things, we are advised to evacuate temporarily to a safer place," he said.