Emission Test So Tax Payment Terms Awaiting PP
JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya will apply emission test regulations as a condition for paying taxes. However, its implementation is waiting for PP number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management to be implemented.
"The emission test is one of the requirements for paying taxes, which is planned in the PP to be valid for 2 years from the time it was stipulated (for example) it was set in February 2021, it will take effect in February 2023," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Friday. , November 12.
Sambodo said the discourse on taking action against gas emission test violators with a ticket on November 13 was decided to be cancelled. Later, the police, the Transportation Service and the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service will carry out inspections in the context of socialization.
The plan is that the inspection will be held in conjunction with Operation Zebra on November 15-24, 2021.
"The team is to carry out random inspections of vehicles," said Sambodo.
"So that it can pass the quality standards of the allowed exhaust gases. The action against the exhaust gas emission test is as regulated by Pergub 66 of 2020," he continued.
Previously, the enforcement of vehicle gas emission tests with a ticket was declared postponed. The reason is that supporting facilities such as gas emission testing sites are not yet ready.
"There are several reasons, the place for emission tests is not adequate compared to the number of vehicles that have to test emissions in Jakarta," said Sam
Based on the results of coordination, if the enforcement of emission test policy violations is still carried out, hundreds of workshops for four-wheeled vehicles must be provided. Meanwhile, for motorcycles, 1,400 testing workshops are needed.
"It takes 500 emission test workshops for 4-wheelers, and 1,400 emission tests for 2-wheelers to be able to cover vehicles throughout Jakarta that are 3 years old. Of which there are around 4.5 million 4-wheeled vehicles and over, and 14 million motorcycle vehicles," said Sambodo.