Important Message From Ma'ruf Amin For NU's 34th Congress

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin ordered the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) congress to proceed by prioritizing deliberation. In the end, it was able to create cool conditions in the selection of various positions at PBNU.

"All trial and election processes must prioritize deliberation. Prioritize deliberation first, so that the atmosphere is cool," said the Vice President in a statement received in Jakarta, Friday, November 12.

This morning, Ma'ruf Amin who also sits as Chairman of the Tahkim Council (Ethics Council) of the 34th NU Congress received a visit from the Chairman of the Steering Committee (SC) M Nuh, Secretary of SC Asrorun Niam Soleh, Chairman of the Organizing Committee (OC) M. Imam Aziz and OC Secretary Syahrizal Syarif at the vice president's official residence in Jakarta.

The meeting discussed the implementation of the 34th Congress which is scheduled to take place on December 25-26 2021.

This time, the 34th NU congress was held during the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, various preparations are adjusted to the applicable rules. In terms of technicalities, the 34th Congress will be held in four places.

The basis for holding the congress at the Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School, includes the opening and plenary sessions. Meanwhile, other events, such as commission sessions were held at UIN Raden Intan, University of Lampung (Unila), and Malahayati University.

The vice president also said that all parties must obey the rules that have been agreed and applied at the previous congress in the election of Rais Aam, the general chairman and management of PBNU.

Ma'ruf Amin asked the Ahlul Halli wal Aqdi (Ahwa) mechanism to continue. Meanwhile, regarding the election of the general chairman, the process must be carried out through voting by the Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Management (PWNU), Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Management (PCNU) and Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch Management (PCINU).

"Deliberation to reach consensus. If you can't, then do a vote," he said.

Meanwhile, Imam Aziz said Ma'ruf Amin would invite all members of the Taklim Council to discuss the code of ethics that would be applied at the 34th Congress.

The existence of the Taklim Council is important in organizing the congress, because NU is an organization of scholars and is a place of learning for all parties, said Imam.

Ma'ruf Amin is also scheduled to attend the 34th NU Congress in person in Lampung on December 23-25, in order to monitor and maintain the implementation of the Congress running well.

The members of the 34th NU Tahkim Assembly consist of 10 scholars, namely Mustasyar PBNU KH Ahmad Mustofa Bisri, Mustasyar PBNU and Rais Syuriyah PWNU East Java KH Anwar Mansur, Mustasyar PBNU and Rais Syuriyah PWNU West Nusa Tenggara TGH Turmudzi Badaruddin, Mustasyar PBNU KH Dimyati Rois and Mustasyar PBNU Habib Lutfi bin Yahya.

Then there were Rais Syuriyah PBNU KH Nurul Huda Jazuli, Mustasyar PBNU Abuya Muhtadi Dimyathi, Nurul Cholil Islamic Boarding School Caretaker Bangkalan KH Zubair Muntashor, PBNU Rais Syuriyah KH Ali Akbar Marbun and PBNU Mustasyar Prof KH Khotibul Umam.