So Attention, Kapolda Forms Integrated Team Reveals Cases Of Finding 2 Bodies In Kupang Buried At The SPAM Excavation Project Site

JAKARTA - The East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police formed an Integrated Team to uncover the case of finding the bodies of a woman and a baby buried at the site of a drinking water supply system (SPAM) excavation project in Alak District, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara. told reporters on Friday, saying that this case was still under investigation but he said that together with the Ditreskrimum Polda they had formed an Integrated Team. November 12. The number one person in the NTT Police said that this case was a case that had to be immediately revealed, not only by the NTT Police but also by the relevant Polres. He added that evidence had been collected and he hoped that there would be no perfect crimes in the case. "But I think it will definitely be revealed, the important thing is that we can investigate it seriously and thoroughly with the scientific investigation method (investigation using science)," he added.

Meanwhile, the Alak Police Chief, Kompol Tatang Panjaitan, admitted that until now his party is still difficult to reveal the identity of the bodies of the woman and baby who are suspected to be the mother and child who were found wrapped in plastic. Fingers from the two victims. Tatang also added that in developing this case, at least four reports relating to missing persons who have not returned home have been received by them. For now, said Tatang, his party is still waiting for the results of the examination of "deoxyribonucleic acid" (DNA) samples from the two bodies.