Floods In Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Now Inundate 3,362 Houses Of Coastal Residents

KAPUAS HULU - Head of the Kapuas Hulu Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Gunawan said the number of houses flooded in seven sub-districts currently increased from 1,886 houses to 3,362 houses in the coastal area of the Kapuas River, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan.

"The water debit is getting higher, while the temporary data is that 3,362 houses have been submerged with 17,779 people affected in the coastal area of the Kapuas river," said Gunawan, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 11.

Of the seven sub-districts that were hit by floods, there are five sub-districts that experienced a fairly high flood impact, namely Silat Hilir, Semitau, Batang Lupar, Jongkong and Suhaid sub-districts, while Selimbau and Pengkadan sub-districts were affected by moderate flooding.

According to him, apart from submerging 3,362 houses, the flood that occurred since Thursday, November 4, has also affected 88 public facilities. While the affected residents were initially only 8,714 people, temporary data on Thursday, November 11th became 17,779 people.

"We have distributed aid to flood victims in a number of these sub-districts. For refugee camps, we have coordinated with the sub-districts to prepare evacuation sites if there are residents who want to evacuate," said Gunawan.

According to Gunawan, even though the residents' houses were flooded, the average residents chose to stay at home by building a stage.

He appealed to the people in Kapuas Hulu to be aware of flooding, because the rainfall is quite high.

In addition, the condition of the Kapuas river upstream is still large, while the coastal area of the Kapuas river has been flooded.

"Almost every day it rains, we urge the public to be aware of flooding," said Gunawan.