Because Of Embarrassment, These 5 Problems Are Rarely Discussed With Your Partner

JAKARTA – For reasons of shame, even in domestic life, couples rarely discuss certain things. However, if you want anything, it can be discussed wisely, you know.

Even though you actually feel awkward and embarrassed at the beginning of a relationship, it's still quite natural. But when you keep a deep secret and don't tell the 5 problems below, it can cloud the relationship. So, do you and your partner keep the following issues together?

1. The hidden fear

Fear is relative, even everyone has a fear of certain objects or events that are influenced by past experiences. Fear can drive a person's behavior such as fear of feeling unworthy, fear of not being loved, to not being able to recognize his own basic needs.

A person may not realize it, but fears related to character and personality are best discussed with a partner.

2. Family problems

Quoted from Your Tango, Thursday, November 11, a child believes that family problems are an extension of themselves. Many adults still believe in this so they are reluctant to share their family problems with their partners.

Family problems are never easy to talk about, even if the problem is solved. But if you open up to your partner about family, you may feel more comfortable and relieved.

3. Dreams and future goals

Feeling reluctant to tell about dreams and future goals to your partner can be motivated by lack of confidence or fear of not being supported 100 percent. This can actually make someone feel doubtful with every step that will be taken.

Even if they lack self-confidence, someone who doesn't tell about their future to their partner can also be triggered by a trust issue or distrust of their partner. This causes one to face a harsh reality. That is, let the relationship grow stronger by continuing to share stories about your future plans with your partner.

4. Financial problems

Financial condition is a personal matter for each, but if sharing your life with someone means this aspect should be discussed. Both about lifestyle, travel, and any financial burdens need to be discussed with your partner.

5. Sexual fantasy

A harmonious couple will know each other everything, including sexual fantasies. Sharing fantasies can be useful for bonding you and your partner and creating a more enjoyable and healthy sex life.

When your partner truly loves you, he or she will love to know what excites you. Although there are no rules that say you have to share your sexual fantasies with your partner, sharing them opens up opportunities for a more intimate and thrilling relationship.