Heavy Rain Triggers Floods In Pacitan, East Java

PACITAN - Two villages in Pacitan Regency, East Java, were hit by flash floods after heavy rains for several hours.

There were no casualties in the disaster. However, at least seven families (KK) or around 30 people were affected. Seven housing units were even submerged by floods with a water level (TMA) reaching 20-50 centimeters.

The two villages that were hit by the flash flood were Pagerejo Village, Ngadirojo District and Belah Village, Donorojo District.

"Pacitan from night to morning rained with moderate intensity, then there was a blockage in the sewers, so that the water debit increased and overflowed into the roads and residential areas," said Head of the Pacitan Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Didikalih Wibowo, as released in a press release. sent by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 11.

"Even though there was a flood, it only happened for a moment because the rain had stopped and cleaning was immediately carried out," continued Didik.

The BPBD of Pacitan Regency continues to seek handling by coordinating with related offices and local village officials to carry out further handling. Starting from conducting an "assessment", cleaning up remaining materials and distributing logistics to affected communities.

BPBD has also formed a team that is stationed in each sub-district in Pacitan Regency to carry out early-stage disaster management.

"BPBD has formed a Disaster Alert Agency consisting of BPBD members and local volunteers who are stationed in each sub-district with the task of educating and handling disasters if a disaster occurs in their area. They have been equipped with evacuation knowledge and disaster knowledge," said Didik.

Previously, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) issued an early warning of the potential for rain with moderate to heavy intensity accompanied by lightning and strong winds for a moment in the morning in several areas in East Java.