At Angkringan Yogya, Puan Buys 'Sego Cat' From Mbah Giyo

JAKARTA - Going to the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) feels like something is missing if you don't try the angkringan. Likewise, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, who took the time to visit the angkringan traders.

There, Puan also bought up the food sold by an elderly seller named Mbah Giyo.

Puan and her entourage from the Indonesian House of Representatives stopped by Mbah Giyo's Angkringan Mainland in Sleman, DIY, Thursday 11 November. At this location, he greeted the residents around the angkringan.

Then the first woman who served as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives bought a lot of cat rice, which is a typical food for Yogya angkringan. Puan also bought up fried foods to satay, a complementary food for sego cat.

"Mbah, don't crush (I bought) this is cat rice, mendoan, deep fried," said Puan.

Mbah Giyo, who was selling goods, was helped by her son. She was happy to be visited by Puan. Mbah Giyo also told me that he had opened an angkringan for a long time, and he was still enthusiastic about selling even though he was no longer young.

"Kulo dongakke (I pray) a long life, everyone is healthy," said Mbah Giyo to Puan who came accompanied by the Regent and Deputy Regent of Sleman, Kustini-Danang Maharsa.

Not far from the location of the angkringan, there is a Posyandu. Puan then went to Datri Husada's Posyandu who was weighing children under five and checking the condition of the elderly.

"During the COVID-19 Pandemic, how can we continue to serve the elderly and toddlers?" he asked one of the Posyando cadres.

Posyandu cadre Datri Husada explained that there were 118 elderly and 26 toddlers in the local area whose health was assisted and monitored. During the COVID-19 condition, monitoring is carried out 'door to door' as an anticipation of virus transmission.

"Toddlers and the elderly are weighed, check blood pressure, and distribute PMT (Supplementary Feeding). If you need medicine, it is usually obtained from the Puskesmas," explained one of the Posyandu cadres.

To the children who were at the location, Puan distributed books and stationery. He also had time to taste boiled bananas with the elderly who were checking themselves at the Posyandu.

"Grandparents must always maintain health protocols, including mothers must ensure that their children are protected from the COVID-19 virus. So you have to get vaccinated," said Puan.