Officially, The Bandung City Government Implements A Fine Of Rp. 100 For Residents Without Masks

JAKARTA - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) has officially imposed a fine of IDR 100,000 for people who do not wear masks while in public spaces.

Mayor of Bandung, Oded M Danial, said that the regulation was stated in the Mayor's Regulation (Perwali) Number 43 of 2020.

However, he hopes that all people adhere to health protocols. So that no residents will be sanctioned.

"Hopefully none of the residents will be sanctioned," said Oded at the Bandung City Hall, Jalan Dalem Kaum, Bandung, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, August 4.

So far, he admits that he continues to prioritize education for residents before the imposition of these sanctions. He claimed to have ordered all regions to continue educating residents to use masks.

In addition, according to him, the Bandung City Government has also distributed masks to all regions. So that regional officials can provide it if there are residents who are not wearing masks.

"Give a mask if someone is not wearing it," he said.

The policy is contained in Mayor Regulation Number 43 of 2020 concerning guidelines for implementing new habitual adaptations (AKB) in the context of preventing and controlling the corona virus (Covid-19). The regulation was issued to revise the previous regulation, namely Perwal number 37 of 2020.

The fine is stated in the amendment in Article 41A. In the copy of the Perwal, it is stated that everyone who violates Article 5 Paragraph (2) Letter a to letter f is subject to administrative sanctions in the form of mild sanctions in the form of verbal warning and written warning.

"Heavy sanctions in the form of administrative fines of up to Rp100,000," wrote the Perwali who had been determined by Oded.

The content of Article 5 paragraph (2) as stated in Perwal 37/2020 which has not undergone any changes in Regulation 43/2020 reads as follows.

In the implementation of AKB as referred to in paragraph (1), everyone is obliged to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle including; must wear a mask during activities outside the home, wash your hands using soap or hand sanitizer regularly, throw garbage in the trash.