RSI Banjarnegara Distributes Betta Fish To Prevent Dengue Fever

BANJARNEGARA - Islamic Hospital (RSI) Banjarnegara, Central Java, distributed hundreds of betta fish (Betta sp) to patient families and residents' homes as an effort to prevent the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito that causes dengue fever.

"Entering this rainy season, we must be aware of the attack of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Prevention of a disease is far better than having to treat it, while preventing it is by non-chemical or natural means," said Director of RSI Banjarnegara, Dr Agus Ujito SpB, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 11.

According to him, the distribution of betta fish is done because the fish with beautiful colors are believed to be effective in eradicating the larvae of the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Therefore, Agus said, his party distributed hundreds of betta fish to the patient's family at the hospital and the general public in their respective homes.

The chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) of Banjarnegara Regency also hopes that the socialization activity by distributing the betta fish can be forwarded to the community as a form of preventing the spread of dengue fever.

"Health officers also check the clean water reservoirs in people's homes because these mosquitoes like to breed in clean water," said he who is also the General Chair of the Indonesian Integrated Digital Doctors Association (Perdigti).

Agus said that based on the research results, the Aedes aegypti mosquito breeds very quickly because it lays eggs every three days and produces up to 400 eggs.

Based on data at the Banjarnegara Hospital, the number of dengue fever patients at the hospital has increased since July 2021, which recorded eight cases, August nine cases, September 17 cases, and October 15 cases.

A resident of Bawang Village, Bawang District, Banjarnegara, Hamidiyah (48) admitted that this was the first time he had received socialization of dengue fever prevention through the distribution of betta fish.

"Alhamdulillah, we received health socialization and assistance for betta fish as natural predators because lately there have been many mosquitoes. Therefore, I will keep these betta fish in water reservoirs and baths," he said.