Know The Principles Of Democratic Culture And Its Applications In Daily Life

JAKARTA - There are two definitions of democracy according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, namely (a form or system) of government in which all the people participate in ruling through their representatives (people's government) and ideas or views of life that prioritize equality of rights and obligations and equal treatment for all citizens. country.

In understanding democratic culture, the principle of democracy related to the idea of life that prioritizes equal rights and obligations for all countries is the most appropriate to use. Citing the Citizenship book (2006), democratic cultural values applied in society are usually in the form of justice, tolerance, unity, cooperation, and deliberation. Meanwhile, the source of the democratic cultural mindset comes from four things, namely;

A person's wishes, aspirations, or opinions must be respected One of human rights is to obtain truth, justice, and happiness Something that is decided together will have a level and accuracy that is more guaranteed Understanding and doing good ways to solve a problem in accordance with the understanding held by the community

Even in principle, there are five things related to democratic culture, namely;

There is guarantee of human rights. Equality before the law. To prevent discrimination and injustice. Recognition of political rights, such as assembly, association, and opinion. Government based on the will of the people. There is control over the government. Elections that are free, honest and fair

Without realizing it, the application of democratic culture can be found quite a lot in people's daily lives. For example, freedom of opinion in a forum, freedom to choose friends, freedom of religion, freedom to choose leaders such as the chairman of the student council, RT, RW, does not discriminate among members of the community who are of different ethnicity, religion, race, position, or wealth.