Peter Gontha Opens Resign Letter From Garuda Commissioner Position, Addressed To Conglomerate Chairul Tanjung Bos Trans Airways
JAKARTA - Former Garuda Commissioner Peter Gontha spoke on his social media. He openly opened his letter of resignation from the position of Commissioner of Garuda Indonesia which was submitted to Chairul Tanjung (CT) the boss of Trans Airways as one of the shareholders in the national airline. The letter was submitted even before the company held a general meeting of shareholders (GMS) last August.
Peter in his upload on Instagram explained that he showed the audience the resignation letter to straighten out a misunderstanding that led to slander against him.
"I want to straighten out some of the slander that was directed at me. When I came home from overseas, many media asked for an interview with me. "A LOT" asked why I only opened up about the problem after I was not in August 2021 "was dismissed" from the Garuda commissioner board," wrote Peter, quoted from Instagram @petergontha, Thursday, November 11.
According to Peter, he has often criticized him since he was a Commissioner of Garuda Indonesia. The criticism he expressed in a post on his personal Instagram.
"During my tenure, I repeatedly criticized and posted things that were not good. Please upload my status. To straighten things out, here I am uploading my resignation letter in February 2021. But Mr. CT asked me to wait until the annual GMS in February 2021. August. So yes, I carried out the mandate. Attached is my letter so that everything is clear and the case is closed," wrote Peter.
Peter wrote the resignation letter on February 17, 2021. In the letter, he admitted that the decision was very difficult.
Peter said he did not want to leave the company in a shipwreck condition. However, Peter said that the current management of Garuda made him unable to do much to improve the company's performance.
Peter said he was very committed to representing Trans Airways as a shareholder in Garuda Indonesia. However, because the company's directors too often ignore the recommendations of the board of commissioners, this makes him frustrated.
"For me, this might be a frustration in itself, especially the policy regarding leasing and negotiating aircraft which is the backbone of the company, which has been wrong from the start to acquire these aircraft, which is indicated by KKN and feels time consuming and is seen with the company's losses for January 2021. , amounting to 119 million US dollars," Peter wrote in his resignation letter.
Peter in his letter also admitted that he had been busy lately. Therefore, he also submitted a letter of resignation from his position as Commissioner of Garuda Indonesia representing Trans Airways.
"We intend to resign from this position. But we leave the decision to you to make the decision. If I am asked to continue, I ask for clear responsibilities, especially in terms of negotiating with lessors," he wrote.
In the letter, Peter also hopes that Garuda Indonesia can survive, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic and that Trans Airwasys' investment can be profitable.