Polda Metro Handles Case Of Robbery Of IDR 400 Million At PIK, Revealing Ban Break Mode

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya intervened to investigate the case of robbery in cash of Rp. 400 million in the Pantai Indah Kapuk area, North Jakarta. From the results of the investigation, the group of robbers used the tire burst mode.

"This (tire burst) mode is often used. Victims are followed and looked for when they are not aware," said Deputy Director General of the Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Jerry Siagian when confirmed, Wednesday, November 10.

The robbery was carried out by the perpetrator when the victim was driving with cash.

Reflecting on the modus operandi of the perpetrators, said Jerry, it is suspected that they are recidivist.

"Maybe the culprit is also a recidivist who just got out (jail)," he said.

But the process of investigation and gathering evidence and clues continues.

"We are currently collecting evidence about the incident. But from the witness there were no firearms," continued Jerry.