Ministry Of Health Launches WhatsApp Cares Protect Chatbot, You Can Ask Vaccine Certificate Issues Here

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health launched the PeduliLindung application WhatsApp chatbot to speed up the response to public complaints related to the application.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Health Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha said that so far complaints have been sent to email or call center 119 ext 9 with an average complaint reaching 134 thousand emails and 80 thousand calls per week.

Most of the complaints related to vaccine certificate information and data information such as names, cellphone numbers, etc. "Therefore, the Ministry of Health tries to present a PeduliLindung chatbot service to overcome problems related to certificates, vaccination status, and improving personal information," said Kunta in a statement. virtual launch which was monitored in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 10.

To access this chatbot, the public can contact the Indonesian Ministry of Health's WhatsApp which was previously also used to help people who are self-isolating, namely at 0811 1050 0567.

"To verify, the public can enter the OTP code on the phone number contained in the PeduliLindung application. This is all used to maintain the security of public data," he said.

Furthermore, the public can choose the type of complaint after a 'menu' reply appears. Complaints that can be resolved include problems downloading vaccine certificates, vaccination status, and changes to personal data information. According to Wikipedia Chatterbots (also called chatbots or bots) are computer programs designed to simulate intellectual conversations with one or more humans, both audio and text. .

This WhatsApp chatbot service can be accessed 24 hours so that it is hoped that public complaints regarding the PeduliLindung application can be more easily and quickly resolved.

On the same occasion, the Chief Digital Transformation Office of the Ministry of Health, Setiaji, said that a minor problem faced by the community regarding the PeduliLindung application was incorrect personal information, which could be resolved in at least one hour.

“So when you get confirmation from the chatbot, at that time the PeduliLindung system makes changes. Unless there are problems such as the NIK (Population Identification Number) being used, that's different again," he said.*