Without Awkwardness, Ganjar Mixing Cement Helps Build Water Tendons For Residents Of Sedulur Sikep Samin Blora

Central Java - Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo visited the Sedulur Sikep Samin community in Karangpace Hamlet, Klopoduwur Village, Blora Regency today. This visit also provides assistance in developing access to clean water.

When they arrived there, Ganjar, who came with his wife Siti Atikoh and the Regent of Blora Arif Rohman, was greeted by the elder Sedulur Sikep Samin, Mbah Lasiyo and dozens of other Sedulur Sikep members. They went straight to the water reservoir which is located at the entrance of the village.

Ganjar had time to mix the cement himself and laid the first stone for the construction of a water reservoir at that location, followed by the Regent of Blora and other representatives of Sedulur Sikep.

Later, the water reservoir that is being built will be used to collect clean water that is taken from a nearby source and then flowed to people's homes.

"May you have blessings and benefits, Mbah," said Ganjar after laying the first stone, reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 10.

The number one person in Central Java was then invited by Mbah Lasiyo to go to the pendapa to distribute groceries and the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) which Sedulur Sikep could use for treatment at the hospital.

On this occasion, Ganjar also confirmed that Sedulur Sikep members had been vaccinated against COVID-19. Ganjar admitted that he had promised to stay in touch with Sedulur Sikep in Klopoduwur for a long time, but it could only be done today after holding a Hero's Day commemoration ceremony in Blora Regency.

"Actually I wanted to come alone, because talking to Mbah Lasiyo usually takes a long time, even I usually arrive in the morning. Today I am happy to meet Mbah Lasiyo and her family are healthy," he said.

Ganjar also ensured that Sedulur Sikep had been vaccinated against COVID-19.

"There were friends who tried to help these Klopoduwur elders to get clean water because they usually fetch water a little distance away, four kilometers 'ngangsu'. Now we are helping," he said.

Ganjar revealed that his party together with the Blora Regency Government are also seeking ownership rights to the land occupied by Sedulur Sikep.

Currently, he continued, only four houses remain, one of which is still in the Perhutani area, while the others have been certified as private property.

"And what I'm happy about is that Sedulur Sikep's grandchildren are now in school, hopefully this will make the citizens more prosperous and more advanced, but I hope that Sedulur Sikep's young people will still adhere to traditional customs including upload-ungguh which has been implemented for a long time. Local wisdom must always be held because these are noble values that must be preserved," he said.

Mbah Lasiyo, admitted that she was happy to be visited by Ganjar, especially when the person concerned came to bring assistance, especially access to clean water for its citizens.

"It's very nice to be helped by the Governor regarding water, this is to sustain life, so everyone is happy," said Mbah Lasiyo in Javanese.

Water, continued Mbah Lasiyo, is the source of life and so far Sedulur Sikep has had difficulty accessing clean water because he has to travel more than 4 kilometers to get clean water every day.

Even Sedulur Sikep usually walk and carry clean water from that place and now there are some who already use bicycles or motorbikes.

Not only about clean water, Mbah Lasiyo is also grateful that Ganjar has distributed KIS to Sedulur Sikep so that if they are sick and cannot be treated on their own, they can go to a clinic or hospital.