Banten Police Prepares Strategic Efforts For Natural Disaster Mitigation
Cilegon – Banten Police have held coordination meetings with related parties to deal with natural disasters caused by La Nina. This was conveyed by Karoops Polda Banten KBP Amiluddin Roemtaat after the Security Coordination Meeting with Vital Object Partners at The Royale Krakatau Steel, Cilegon, Tuesday 9 November.
"We have held cross-agency coordination meetings to prepare for the natural disaster impacted by La Nina, initial coordination has been carried out with BPBD and BMKG Banten," said Roemtaat via text message, Tuesday 9 November.
Roemtaat explained, Banten Police Chief IJP Dr. Rudy Heriyanto has instructed his staff to take an inventory of disaster vulnerabilities, carry out preparedness meetings and disaster simulations, and go directly to provide aid and assistance to disaster-affected communities. As well as preparing safe shelters with good sanitation equipped with public kitchens, and even asking the Police to take firm action against the perpetrators of illegal logging and illegal mining that have an impact on natural disasters.
"There are 8 instructions from the Banten Police Chief that must be carried out by the Police Chiefs, including the Banten Police Chief Officer in preparedness and mitigation of natural disasters.
Today, the Ditpolairud of the Banten Police and the Banten Police's Satbrimob have deployed troops and equipment to check the early preparedness of each work unit for disaster management. So, said Roemtaat, if personnel are needed in a contingency condition, personnel and equipment are ready to be dispatched to the field.
"The Call for Troops to check the readiness of personnel and equipment to deal with natural disasters has been carried out today by the Ditpolairud and the Banten Police Satbrimob," he said.
The police chiefs have been instructed to make an inventory and record the vulnerability of natural disasters and disaster-prone locations in their area.
“Currently, we know that disasters are prone to occur in the Lebak area, such as floods and landslides. All police chiefs are asked to go down to the field and collect data on disaster-prone areas in their respective regions,” said Roemtaat.
In addition, the Banten Police Chief has also asked the Police Chiefs to list the owners of heavy equipment and place them in disaster-prone locations that have been mapped.
"Don't let it happen again during a disaster, there is heavy equipment but no operator, or there is a disaster but there is no heavy equipment to help disaster recovery," continued Roemtaat.
The Banten Regional Police alerted personnel from the Brimob Unit, Ditpolair and personnel from Ditsamapta to be alert to disasters and carry out natural disaster mitigation activities.
“Simulations are needed to improve the skills and preparedness of personnel to face natural disasters. We don't want personnel to stutter and be nervous when facing a disaster, but through simulation, personnel become ready and understand how to act in the field and already know what to do," concluded Roemtaat.