Mass Poisoning Experienced By Residents Of Purabaya Sukabumi

SUKABUMI - Mass poisoning has occurred again in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, this time tens of residents of Ciroyom Village, Purabaya District were suspected of being poisoned from a boxed rice package distributed by one of the residents who held a celebration.

"From the data collection, there were about 30 residents who experienced symptoms of poisoning after eating the boxed rice package that was obtained from residents who held a celebration in the Jampangtengah District on Monday (8/11). After eating the dish, in the evening dozens of residents experienced nausea, stomach pain, dizziness, vomiting, and frequent defecation," said Purabaya police chief AKP Tenda Sukendar as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 9.

According to information gathered, the alleged mass poisoning began when dozens of residents of Ciroyom Village, Pagelaran Village, Purabaya District were invited by a resident who held a celebration at his house in Jampangtengah District on Monday, November 8.

After attending the invitation, the residents of Kampung Ciroyom were provided with a boxed rice package to take home. After arriving at his house, residents eat and enjoy the dish.

However, after a few hours later, one by one, those who ate the boxed rice began to experience symptoms of poisoning, which were marked by nausea, dizziness and going back and forth to the bathroom to vomit or defecate.

It turned out that the same symptoms were experienced by dozens of other residents who were suspected of having eaten the boxed rice package they had received after attending the celebration. Information about an extraordinary incident (KLB) of this poisoning immediately spread to the ears of the Forkopimcam Purabaya and immediately took care of it by setting up a command post around the residents' settlements.

According to Tenda, of about 30 residents who experienced symptoms of poisoning, only two victims were required to be referred to the Purabaya Health Center because their condition was quite weak and had to receive treatment from health workers.

"Last information, the two victims who had been treated at the puskesmas are in good condition and have chosen to be outpatients at their respective homes," he said.

Tenda said that his party was still conducting an investigation and coordinating with puskesmas officers to reveal the cause of this mass poisoning.

Officers have taken samples of leftover food for the celebration. In addition, coordinating with the police across jurisdictions, because information from residents of the food they eat is obtained from a celebration held in Jampangtengah District.

Recently, there was also an allegation of mass poisoning that afflicted the residents of Babakansirna Village, Cibaregbeg Village, Sagaranten District, which is not too far from the location of the mass poisoning case in Purabaya District.

It is suspected that the mass poisoning that hit 73 residents of Babakansirna Village came from the food distributed by the committee at a religious event held in the village. There were no fatalities in this incident and all residents who experienced symptoms of poisoning have recovered.