Surrender After Shooting PT PKM Security Guard, Anak Jungle In Jambi Claims To Hide Assembled Guns

JAMBI - Another resident of the Orang Rimba or Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) has surrendered himself to the police. He is suspected of being the perpetrator of the shooting of three PT PKM security guards in Air Hitam District, Sarolangun Regency, Jambi.

The Sarolangun Police Chief, AKBP Sugeng Wahyudiono, said that so far, three SAD residents had surrendered and were escorted by their respective tumenggung.

The SAD resident gave himself up, known to have the initials NG. "Yesterday, November 8, 2021, another SAD resident suspected of being the shooter gave himself up to the police," said Sugeng in an official statement received by Antara, Tuesday, November 9.

According to the Police Chief, the suspected perpetrator with the initials NG (45) has his address at Sungai Fixed Village, Bathin 24 District. The suspect surrendered and was received directly by the Air Hitam Police Chief, Temenggung Melaya Tuha and Jenang Jalaludin.

"So far, we have arrested three SAD residents related to the shooting of PT PKM security guards," he also said.

The police chief also said that the alleged perpetrator NG at the time of surrendering did not carry the homemade firearm (kecepek) used to shoot the security guard.

After examination, NG admitted that the firearm he used at the time of the incident was hidden on the outskirts of Bukit 12, in Simpang Selentik, Pematang Kabau Village, Air Hitam District.

"Reskrim members together with Tumenggung Malaya moved quickly to the intended location and as a result, two homemade firearms were found on the edge of Bukit 12," said AKBP Sugeng Wahyudiono.

In addition, another homemade firearm was also found after the handover by Tomenggung Melaya Tuha.

"One (short) homemade firearm belonging to the suspected BS perpetrator, who had previously surrendered and is currently under investigation at the Sarolangun Police Station," said Sugeng.