Makassar 414th Anniversary, Mayor Danny Pomanto Inaugurates Tourism Lorong Pilot

MAKASSAR - Mayor of Makassar Moh Ramdhan Pomanto (Danny Pomanto) inaugurated the Bambapuang tourist alley, Makassar District as a pilot to ignite 1,000 other alleys to stimulate the community's economy.

"We start with simple things first, starting with strengthening MSMEs. Today we start with coffee and taripang cakes," said Danny Pomanto during the inauguration of the Bambapuang tourist aisle, which is a series of activities for the 414th anniversary of Makassar City, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 9th.

He said, at the inauguration of the tourist aisle, a number of strengthening micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) were included in the agenda, such as exploring culinary and culture.

On the 414th anniversary of Makassar City, Danny Pomanto set taripang snacks to be one of the side menus of coffee and tea.

He hopes that the habits of the past people who make cakes made from flour and brown sugar can move the community's economy.

"Our survey shows that one million people drink tea and coffee in Makassar. If we are accompanied by the commodity of taripang cake which is suitable for coffee and cake drinks, then there is Rp. 2 billion of money circulating and a year it can be Rp. 750 billion. properly, the economy can grow from the aisle," he said.

Danny Pomanto stated that apart from taripang, his party will explore other cake commodities such as baruasa. Baruasa is one of the cakes that rivals the most expensive cake in the world, namely macarons.

"It could be Rp. 100 thousand, the price is just a piece of cake. And it's the top in the world, only when compared to Baruasa, it's still far behind," he explained.

Meanwhile, the concept of the tourist aisle itself, said Danny, is the last serial concept in the hallway program.

"After the previous aisle series, namely the garden aisle and this hallway business entity, there is a tourist aisle. We will make as many as 1,000 tours," he explained.

Therefore, Danny Pomanto hopes that this program can run smoothly and receive support from the community so that MSMEs in the alley can rise and restore the economy in Makassar City in accordance with the program summarized in Makassar Recover.