Handover Of KPK Leadership Marks A New Chapter For Anti-corruption Institutions

JAKARTA - The chairmanship of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has changed. After being inaugurated by President Joko Widodo at the State Palace, Jakarta, Firli Bahuri and four other representatives, namely Lili Pintauli Siregar, Nurul Ghufron, and Nawawi Pomolango, Alexander Marwata is now officially the head of the KPK for the 2019-2023 period.

The leadership handover ceremony began at around 17.05 WIB and began with the reading of the integrity pact. Not only attended by KPK leaders, for the first time, the KPK Supervisory Board chaired by Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean along with four of its representatives, namely Artidjo Alkostar, Albertina Ho, and Syamsuddin Haris, were also present at the KPK building after being inaugurated by Jokowi.

In his remarks, after carrying out the handover of positions, former KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo said that after completing his job as KPK Chair for the 2015-2019 period he would focus on taking care of his grandchildren.

It's just that before carrying out his activities as a retiree, continued Agus, he still felt responsible for KPK employees.

Thus, Agus left several important messages for the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPanRB) Tjahjo Purnomo mainly because of the change in the status of KPK employees which according to the KPK Law 19 of 2019, they now have the status of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

"I entrusted it to Pak Tjahjo, the KPK then entered into the executive clump for sure, then the reference was ASN. Please, the take home pay is not reduced but the conversion is more important. Later that will escort the new leader, the supervisory board, and the Secretary General," said Agus. in his remarks during the handover ceremony at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, December 6, while asking that the employee conversion process not be lengthy.

There is something unique in the handover of this position, it turns out that when the memory of the 2015-2019 KPK leadership position was handed over to the new leadership, it was not the form of a book they submitted but an iPad or tablet.

The reason for the handover of the equipment was so that the next leadership could immediately work and the electronic data could actually be used. "In the future, it's time for all the data to really use electronic data," said Agus.

Handover of KPK leadership (Wardany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Dream of not having a sheet of paper in the KPK building

On that occasion Agus also said that when he took office, he wanted no more paper use in the KPK building. He gave an example, there has been an implementation of reducing paper use in anti-graft organizations.

"Then I dreamed that in the KPK office there would be no more paper. This is still a burden to this day," said Agus.

One of them is through the electronic wiretapping warrant (Sprindap) which has been running since Firli Bahuri became the KPK Deputy for Enforcement.

"We don't use hardcopy, it's already running," while telling his experience of signing electronic sprindap while in Papua.

So that to his successor, Firli, he entrusted the program to reduce paper use in his future tenure. "Please continue and complete so that the name papperless and e-office can be implemented," he said.

Finally, before closing his remarks, Agus advised that the work to eradicate corruption must continue. Not only that, he reminded KPK employees not to be skeptical of Law 19/2019 which is now in full effect.

"Our task is not finished. There are still many things to be done, guarding our house, let's keep fighting," he concluded.