Attending The MUI Ulama Ijtima, Anies Touches On Unity In Diversity Happens In Jakarta

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan attended the opening of the Ijtima Ulama Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) which was held at the Sultan Hotel, Central Jakarta.

In his speech, Anies explained the meaning of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the motto of the Indonesian nation. According to Anies, the most important word in the motto is "Tunggal" which means unity.

"What is the most important word of these 3 words? The one that is echoed the most is 'Bhinneka'. In fact the most important word is 'Unity'. Bhinneka is God's creation, it is God's gift that we are all grateful for. But, 'Unity', united, is human endeavor," said Anies on the YouTube OFFICIAL TVMUI broadcast, Tuesday, November 9.

Anies explained the reason why he mentioned Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. According to him, this unity in the midst of diversity takes place in Jakarta. He emphasized that being united in this diversity is a responsibility to be cared for so that it does not disappear.

"We hope that in we see Jakarta, in we see Indonesia, as a node of unity that makes Indonesia admired by the world, it is because of its unity," Anies explained.

This, continued Anies, was also implemented in the VII Ijtima Ulama Fatwa MUI in Indonesia VII which was held which he attended. The Ijtima Ulama participants, said Anies, did not need to listen to the conversation with the regional language translator.

Therefore, Anies hopes that he and all the Ijtima Ulama participants can further strengthen the unity and narrative as one national entity.

"It's not precisely when looking at Indonesia that the elements are highlighted because when the elements are highlighted. Because when the elements are highlighted, then what is formed can be missed," he explained.