The Police Have Not Received Power Of Attorney For Otto Hasibuan To Become Djoko Tjandra's Lawyer

JAKARTA - Police Public Relations Division Karo Penmas, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that his party had not received Otto Hasibuan's power of attorney to become the lawyer for the convicted Cessie Bank Bali Djoko Tjandra.

"Until now, investigators have not seen the power of attorney," Awi told reporters, Jakarta, Monday, August 3.

According to Awi, his party knew that Otto Hasibuan was accompanying him during the first examination. At that time, Djoko Tjandra told investigators that he had appointed Otto as his lawyer.

"According to JST (Joko Soegiarto Tjandra alias Djoko Tjandra, red), he has appointed Otto Hasibuan as a legal attorney in facing cases at Bareskrim Polri," said Awi.

Previously, Otto Hasibuan said he would prepare legal steps related to the case that was trapping Djoko Tjandra. Although not yet detailed what legal steps will be taken. It's just that the legal step is for the benefit of his client.

"We are considering legal steps to defend the interests of our clients," said Otto Hasibuan in a text message to VOI, Jakarta, Saturday, August 2.

Meanwhile, Djoko Tjandra is currently being held in one of the cells of the Salemba Detention Center (Rutan) at the Police Headquarters branch. Djoko Tjandra's placement at the Salemba Detention Center was claimed to facilitate the further investigation process.

Meanwhile, Djoko Tjandra was arrested in Malaysia on Thursday, July 30. Djoko Tjandra is a fugitive in the case of transfer of rights which resulted in a replacement of Bank Bali creditors worth Rp904 billion which was handled by the Attorney General's Office.

The Attorney General's Office detained Joko Tjandra from 29 September 1999 to August 2000. However, a judge at the South Jakarta District Court ruled that he was acquitted of charges because his actions were not criminal but civil.

Then, the AGO filed a PK against Djoko's case to the Supreme Court in October 2008. Finally, the panel of judges sentenced Djoko Tjandra to two years in prison and had to pay Rp. 15 million. Joko's money at Bank Bali Rp.546.166 billion was seized by the state.