Vice President: Don't Let MUI Fatwa Not Be Based On Sisdur

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin reminded the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) not to issue a fatwa without being based on the system and procedure (sisdur) for determining the fatwa.

"It is a must for the MUI Fatwa Commission at all levels to consistently implement the sisdur. Do not let the MUI fatwa commission set a fatwa without being based on the sisdur," said Vice President Ma'ruf in his speech at the opening ceremony of the Ijtima' Ulama Fatwa Commission throughout Indonesia to -VII 2021 through a video conference quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 9.

Ma'ruf Amin, as Chairman of the MUI Advisory Council, said that the procedure for determining the fatwa had been formulated as a result of a study by the Fatwa Commission so far.

"The system refers to various references and adheres to the moderate principles adopted by the MUI and does not take a hard stance, and does not take an easy stance," he explained.

Vice President Ma'ruf also reminded that if there is an inconsistency in the determination of the MUI fatwa, then the action violates the MUI manhaj that has been mutually agreed upon.

"And the legal decisions have no organizational legitimacy, and can lead to differences in fatwa decisions between fatwa committees within the MUI," he said.

The Vice President added that various efforts had been made to provide the best solution to the problems faced by Muslims through the issuance of the MUI fatwa.

This, he said, includes reviewing the legal formulation which is considered no longer in accordance with the conditions and situations according to current developments.

"The Fatwa Commission has properly presented a religious view that is makhariji in nature, namely a religious view that is oriented towards finding the best solution to the problems faced by Muslims," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.