Many Harms Make Citizens Lazy, Dumai Malay Customary Board Threatens To 'Sweep Clean' Gambling -Smelling Gelper

PEKANBARU - The head of the Dumai Malay Customary Institution (LAM), Datuk Sri Syahruddin Husein, condemned all the ill-health activities that developed in this area, especially the practice of playing games (gelper) for children with the smell of gambling.

"The gelper has been operating in Dumai City and its surroundings for a long time. This gambling activity is troubling the community because of its many disadvantages, educating residents to be lazy and not want to work," said Datuk Sri Syahruddin Husein when contacted from Pekanbaru, Antara, Tuesday, November 9. .

This game is also addictive. Because of the many harms, LAM Dumai has made the same statement that whatever the residents in Dumai do if there is a benefit it will be supported, but if it brings harm it is strictly forbidden to operate in Dumai.

"To stop the gelper gambling, in the previous year, LAM Dumai had asked the National Police Headquarters, together with the OKP and FPI at that time to wipe out all gelper gambling activities," he said again.

The playing field that is allowed to operate must of course be in accordance with the rules of the Dumai City Government in the form of an operational permit. This will be supported by LAM Dumai, if it violates the rules, the Dumai City Government must close it.

Datuk Sri again asked the press in Dumai to dare to do investigative coverage related to the practice of gelper gambling which tends to operate covertly.

"Let us know, let's control it together. LAM Dumai will mobilize its traditional guards as village guards, state and customary law enforcers in Dumai," he also said.

The chairman of the Pancasila Youth of Dumai City, Abdul Kadir, said that the practice of gelper gambling was a child's play mode, but in fact it was an adult's activity of gambling.

The cunning manager tends to attract the interest of the first player, by giving them the opportunity to win several times first, so that in the next game they are interested in playing again. And so on, so that it has resulted in many people being addicted.

"Many people have fallen, the impact has been destroyed economically. Unfortunately, the gelper gambling manager is still operating in the mode of paying workers, so this gelper is still growing and seems difficult to be 'touched' by the law. It takes seriousness from all parties to eradicate the practice of gelper gambling. "If left unchecked, more and more Dumai residents will fall into the gambling," he said.