70 Percent Of Tiger Habitat In Sumatra Is Outside Conservation Areas
JAKARTA - The Sumatran tiger is one of the protected animals. But in fact, 70 percent of the Sumatran tiger habitat is outside the conservation area.
Director General of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Wiratno said the range of Sumatran tigers often overlaps with forestry concessions. This is also a challenge for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to conserve the Sumatran tiger.
"Not only living in conservation areas, Sumatran tigers also roam outside the area, one of which is scattered inside industrial plantation forest (HTI) concessions," Wiranto said as quoted by Antara, Monday, August 3.
For this reason, the private sector, especially in the forestry sector, needs to be involved in conservation efforts in order to provide opportunities for Sumatran tigers to survive long term and avoid extinction.
According to him, it is necessary to combine in-situ conservation or nature conservation efforts carried out in their natural habitat with exitu conservation or nature preservation carried out outside their natural habitat. "In-situ and existing efforts are to find out how to build, rehabilitate and sustainably use them," he said.
He explained that the biggest problem of environmental damage and the death of the Sumatran tiger lies in the human factor. In 2020, 700 snares were found by residents around the concession area.
Meanwhile, APP Sinar Mas is a private company that has taken the initiative to promote a Sumatran tiger conservation-friendly HTI concession.
"The conservation-friendly HTI concession of Sumatran tigers aims to create synergy and coexistence in HTI and wildlife conservation," said Head of Conservation APP Sinar Mas Dolly Priatna.
He explained that APP Sinar Mas started the Sumatran tiger concession-friendly HTI program with a commitment to the 2020 Sustainability Roadmap Vision (SVR) and Forest Conservation Policy (FCP), including its supply chain from HTI concessions.
To realize animal conservation, APP Sinar Mas implements five strategic steps of Sharing Space, Provide Connectivity and Minimize HEC with Fatalies, Best Management Pratices (BMP) and Landscape Scale.
"Sumatran tigers have a wide home range. There must be coordination and cooperation in all sectors. Optimistic that the potential to save Sumatran tigers outside the conservation area is huge," he said.
Head of the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BBKSDA), Suharyono, said that almost 99 percent of Sumatran tigers are outside the conservation area, especially the number of Sumatran tigers and human conflicts.
"This must be a concern, it is impossible for us to work alone to handle this conflict. Because almost all of them are outside the concession area. We must jointly handle conflict, "he said.
Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Forest Entrepreneurs Association (APHI) Iman Santoso said more than 70 percent of tiger habitat in Sumatra is outside the conservation area. In this case the Sumatran tiger distribution and home ranges overlap with forestry concessions.
"In the concession area, animal corridors need to be allocated and most importantly the involvement of the private sector, especially in the forestry sector, in supporting the conservation of Sumatran tigers outside of integrated conservation areas on a landscape scale," he said.