Understanding The Definition Of Cultural Arts With Examples

JAKARTA - The word art according to the KBBI has the meaning of works created with extraordinary skills, such as dance, painting, and carving. According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, quoted from the book Art Education in Elementary School, written in 2010 by Hadjar Pamadhi, et al., the term art comes from Sanskrit, namely sani which means all human changes that arise from the life of feelings that are beautiful, so that they can move the soul of human feelings. .

So, art is something that produces beauty and pleasure that is present in the human soul, then it is poured into art media called works of art.

Meanwhile, culture has a different meaning. The word culture comes from Sanskrit, namely buddhayah, which means everything related to human reason and mind. If separated, mind and power contain the meaning of love, intention, and taste.

According to Elly M. Setiadi, citing the book Social Sciences and Basic Culture written in 2007, culture means a way of life that is owned by a group of people that is passed on to the next generation. Differences between ethnicity, religion, politics, language, clothing, works of art, and buildings will form a culture. Culture is the whole system of ideas, belonging to humans by learning.

The relationship between culture and the arts refers to the value of beauty (aesthetics) that comes from the expression of human desire for beauty that is enjoyed with the eyes or ears. As creatures of high taste, humans produce various styles of art ranging from the simple to the embodiment of complex art.

At least, there are five branches of art and culture that can be easily found in everyday life, namely:

Literary Arts

Literary art is a type of art that uses language as a medium. The beauty of literary art can be enjoyed orally or in writing. Literary art itself is divided into three kinds, namely prose, poetry, and drama.


Dance is an art that uses body movement as one of its elements. Gestures are the form or way the choreographer communicates certain intentions to the audience.

Music Art

One example of cultural arts that involves the element of sound as the main element of this musical art. Is the result of human creation that produces sounds with rhythm and harmony that is beautiful to hear.

Theater Arts

A form of cultural art that involves the ability to understand and create theater. Ability to make scripts to act according to what is written in theatrical script. Able to understand and create settings according to the script made.


Fine art is art that focuses on tactile and visual beauty, in the form of paintings, pottery crafts, hand axes, menhirs, dolmens, and bronze sculptures.