LAZ ABA, Which Raised Funds For Lampung Terrorists Via Charity Box, Has Long Been Revoked Its License

JAKARTA - The National Police's Anti-terror Special Detachment (Densus) 88 seized more than 700 charity boxes from the Abdurrahman Bin Auf Amil Zakat Institute (LAZ ABA) in Lampung.

Hundreds of charity boxes confiscated by Densus 88 consisted of 76 glass-legged charity boxes, 706 glass charity boxes, 29 wooden charity boxes, and a bundle of deed of association.

The Special Staff of the Minister of Religion for Tolerance, Terrorism, Radicalism and Islamic Boarding School Nuruzzaman, confirmed that the Baitul Maal Abdurrahman Bin Auf Amil Zakat Institution was illegal because it did not have an operational permit.

"The LAZ ABA permit has been revoked since January 29, 2021," said the man who is familiarly called Bib Zaman, quoted from the Ministry of Religion's official website, Monday, November 8.

LAZ ABA is headquartered in DKI Jakarta. Therefore, the revocation of the permit was issued by the Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion.

"I have received the Decree of the Regional Head of the DKI Jakarta Ministry of Religion No. 103 of 2021 concerning the Revocation of the Amil Zakat Institution's Permit Abdurrohman bin Auf," said Zaman.

"The dictum in the decree states, stipulating the revocation of the permit for the establishment of the Abdurrohman bin Auf Amil Zakat Institution," he continued.

According to Nuruzzaman, the permit revocation policy was taken after monitoring and evaluation were carried out after the case of misuse of charity boxes in mid-December 2020 which also occurred in Lampung. This mode was revealed by the police and the Ministry of Religion at that time together with BNPT and other related parties to carry out monitoring and evaluation.

"The result is the issuance of a decree on the revocation of operational permits by the Regional Head of DKI Jakarta," he said.

"So, LAZ ABA is illegal," he said.