PKS Vs PDIP Fuss After Puan Maharani's Sarcasm At The Plenary Meeting

JAKARTA - An interesting incident was highlighted in the plenary session of the DPR after the decision to approve General Andika Perkasa to become the TNI Commander replacing Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto on Monday, November 8.

At that time, the chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, was about to close the session with a single agenda to discuss the results of the fit and proper test of General Andika as a candidate for commander in chief. In the midst of Puan's statement ending the meeting, suddenly a member of the PKS faction asked the leadership to interrupt.

"Interruption, interrupt leadership. Leader interrupt," said member of the PKS Faction Habib Fahmi Alaydroes.

However, many times, Fahmi's interruptions were ignored by Puan and continued to close the meeting until the plenary session was finished.

"My leader asked for time, the leader asked me for time. My leader is A432," said Fahmi again.

Suddenly, Fahmi looks annoyed. He then quipped Puan by mentioning the presidential election. "How about a presidential candidate, our constitutional rights are closed," said Fahmi.

Instantly, the Plenary meeting room became boisterous. Three members of the DPR from PDIP then approached Fahmi. Until the head of the PDIP faction, Utut Adianto, was furious and was seen pointing at Fahmi.

After the commotion in the plenary session, both PKS and PDIP also expressed their opinions.

Fahmi Alaydroes is known to have apologized to the PDI-P after insinuating the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani. He admitted, the satire just flowed.
"It just flows," said Fahmi during a clarification at the PKS faction of the DPR, Monday, November 8. The member of Commission X of the House of Representatives said that he deliberately made an interruption in today's single plenary meeting. Because, he said, the rights that will be conveyed at the interruption are related to the resilience of the state.

"I have conveyed the plan that I want to convey and deliberately at the current plenary moment because it is closely related to the endorsement of the commander-in-chief, as I said earlier," explained Fahmi. nation, but the opportunity was simply not allowed, so I conveyed my protest as my friends said," he continued. The reason is that the head of the PDIP faction, Utut Adianto, approached Fahmi after making fun of Puan.

"This has been completed earlier, my PDIP friends have also apologized but this is a big lesson, especially for the leadership of the DPR, to respect and guarantee my constitution as a member of the DPR," said Fahmi.

Forms of PKS protest whose interruptions were ignored by Puan Maharani

The chairman of the PKS faction of the DPR RI, Jazuli Juwaini, gave a clarification regarding its members who satirized the chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, in the plenary meeting.
Jazuli said that the interruption to be conveyed by Fahmi Alaydroes was not related to the TNI Commander. But regarding Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in Higher Education. "If there was a member of the PKS faction who spoke of Interrupting, namely Habib Fahmi Alaydrus, it has nothing to do with the new commander," said Jazuli in the Room PKS faction, Parliament Complex Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, November 8.

Jazuli said the interruption was due to the Minister of Education and Culture's regulation which had caused a lot of controversy in the community. According to him, the Permendikburistek is problematic. "Even inviting controversy, including Muhammadiyah, a fairly large Islamic organization also deeply regrets and criticizes the regulation," he explained.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the PKS DPP Al Muzammil Yussuf, gave another opinion. According to him, the leadership of the DPR should respect the rights of its members who wish to voice their aspirations in a plenary meeting.

"We only quoted article 256 of the DPR's 2020 rules and regulations. Paragraph 2 of the plenary session of the DPR is the highest forum in carrying out the powers and duties of the DPR. Except for the plenary session of the DPR taking an oath," said Al Muzammil Yussuf in the PKS Fraction Room, Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday. , November 8th. Muzammil mentions, in paragraph 6 each member is given time to speak or ask questions for a maximum of 5 minutes and for spokespersons a maximum of 7 minutes and can be extended according to the policy of the chairman of the meeting. mutual respect for the duties and obligations of leaders as well as the obligations of members," said Muzammil. According to him, members also have the right to express these aspirations. Therefore, said Muzammil, PKS urges in every plenary session of DPR leadership when chairing a meeting to refer to Article 256, especially paragraph 6. "Because we as an opposition faction are not in the government, that is our space to convey public aspirations," he said.

"We feel not only today but the day before. I have also interrupted the KPK regarding the Koran and Pancasila. There is a mechanism that leaders tend to violate not to give our members and other members opportunities," continued Muzammil. According to Muzammil, what was conveyed by members Fahmi Alaydroes' PKS faction in a plenary meeting was a form of protest. It is known that his interruption was ignored by Fahmi who offended Puan Maharani regarding the presidential election.

"When there were complaints from PDIP 3 people, he apologized personally. But procedurally we said article 256, because his protest after being given that time was because the leadership of the DPR did not give us rights," said Muzammil. The member of Commission I of the DPR is no less important than the official inauguration or election of the TNI commander. Because the TNI commander is in the aspect of national defense, while what Fahmi will convey as Commission X is the moral defense of the nation's children. "We, the PKS faction, attend a maximum of 10. If he is present, it means that there is really something the faction has said. Please respect the leadership of the DPR. Because if it is not conveyed, we can stay at home with zoom. So with all due respect to the leadership and friends of PDIP, there is no point We humiliate the leadership but to respect the rules and regulations that apply in the DPR," said Muzammil Yusuf.

PDIP says it's not good

The head of the PDIP faction, Utut Adianto, had a chance to approach Fahmi after insinuating Puan. It looked like a quarrel, but this problem is claimed to have been resolved.

According to Utut, the chairman of the session has the right to accept or reject members' interruptions. So it is natural that Fahmi's interruption is ignored. Moreover, the plenary meeting has a single agenda for the TNI Commander.

"Those who preside over the trial have the right to accept the interruption or not. At the beginning, they said that the agenda was single, namely the issue of the Commission I report regarding the TNI Commander. The interrupt could be in another place so that its sacredness is maintained," said Utut, Monday, November 8.

Meanwhile, a member of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Hendrawan Supratikno, also defended Puan. He said that Fahmi's interruption was not good because the plenary session had a single agenda.

"Today's plenary event is an event with a single agenda. That is the agreement of the Consultation Meeting of the Leaders in Lieu of the Bamus Meeting. The meeting is also set on the first day of the second working week, or Monday, November 8, 2021," said Hendrawan, Monday, November 8, evening. It was the single agenda, Hendrawan said, it was not good for DPR members to interrupt. Moreover, he said, the interruptions were related to various problems that developed in the DPR Commission. "To respect the agreement, it is not appropriate to open a session related to interruptions or members' input on various problems that develop in the commissions," he said. Hendrawan emphasized the leadership The DPR RI always allows interruptions if the plenary meeting has multiple or non-single agendas.

"At other plenary events, which have multiple agendas (not singular, ed), interruptions are always open or given time," he added. Furthermore, Hendrawan also regrets that Fahmi's inappropriate remarks were conveyed to Puan when her interruptions were ignored. He then said that his party was still investigating further regarding the remarks. "About the chatter or remarks, we are still gathering valid information. Sometimes in a meeting there are members who behave inappropriately and speak out of context," he concluded.