Active Cases Of COVID-19 In North Sulawesi Shrinking, Remaining 85 People

MANADO - The number of residents of North Sulawesi (Sulut) who are still receiving medical treatment (active cases) after being confirmed positive for COVID-19 continues to shrink, leaving 85 people.

"Cumulatively active cases are 0.25 percent," said Spokesman for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in North Sulawesi, Dr. Steaven Dandel MPH in Manado, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 8.

The continued decline in active cases in recent weeks is the impact of the increase in recovered cases compared to the daily addition of new cases.

Currently, 33,430 people have been declared cured or 96.76 percent after an additional 33 cases recovered.

The recovered cases came from Tomohon City as many as 17 people, Manado City (12 people), Bitung City (two people) and North Minahasa Regency and South Minahasa Regency each one.

"There are currently 34,551 confirmed positive cases," he said.

Meanwhile, the accumulation of North Sulawesi residents who died reached 1,036 people with a case fatality rate of 3.00 percent.

The North Sulawesi Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force appealed to the public to continue to increase vigilance, obey health protocols and vaccinations.