ITS Online Graduation Event Through Minecraft Games

JAKARTA - Online or online graduation events are commonplace in many campuses during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) actually held a graduation ceremony in a Minecraft game.

This game made by Mojang is a virtual graduation suggestion for ITS students. Even the building where the graduation ceremony was held was made similar to the ITS Graha Sepuluh Nopember building.

"We are building the Minecraft block building construction, based on the original building," said ITS Information Technology Department lecturer Hadziq Fabroyir, as quoted from ITS official statement, Monday, August 3.

Hadziq explained that he initiated a virtual game-based graduation ceremony with 14 other people using the Minecraft Education Edition. The goal is to enliven the graduation event which should have been held offline in March 2020.

Online graduation through the game Minecraft (doc. ITS)

The graduates also transformed into Minecraft players to attend the graduation procession. Not only graduation participants, a number of ITS lecturers and chancellor, Mochamad Ashari, also became Minecraft players and inaugurated around 570 graduates from three faculties.

One of the netizens who is an ITS campus student also shared the online graduation procession via the Minecraft game on Twitter. It appears that when the inauguration process takes place, each player will get an interactive pop-up window containing congratulations from the ITS Chancellor

For the smooth running of the graduation ceremony, the players present in the virtual building rely on the Discord platform for voice communication. Then, ITS also uses the Zoom video teleconference platform to receive a video feed from the OBS Virtual Camera which is transmitted directly from the Minecraft ITS server.