PT KAI's Iron Thief In Medan Arrested

MEDAN - The East Medan Police Team arrested the perpetrator of the iron theft belonging to PT KAI named Syamsul Bahri (52). Syamsul was arrested in Pulo Brayan Bengkel Village, East Medan District, Medan City.

The Head of the East Medan Police, Kompol M Arifin, accompanied by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Z Simamora, said that the perpetrator was arrested on a report by PT KAI Divre 1 of North Sumatra.

"We have received reports from victims regarding the loss of iron belonging to PT KAI at the Jalan Bengkel warehouse, Pulo Brayan Bengkel Village," said Police Commissioner Arifin, Monday, November 8.

Based on the report, the police conducted an investigation to arrest the suspect.

During the investigation, he continued, the police received information that the suspected iron thief was on Jalan Perwira I Rela, Pulo Brayan Bengkel Village, East Medan District.

"We immediately made an arrest," he explained.

Kompol Arifin said that from the preliminary examination, Syamsul Bahri admitted that he had stolen iron from the PT KAI warehouse.

"The suspect admitted that he acted with three of his friends," he explained.

According to the suspect's statement, Syamsul Bahri and three of his colleagues, whose identities have been identified, sold the stolen iron to the location for storing used goods at Jalan Metal Medan.

"The suspects sold the stolen iron for Rp. 2.8 million. Syamsul's share received Rp. 800 thousand," he said.

Currently, the East Medan Police Satreskrim personnel are pursuing three other suspects named Bobi, Roji and Yudi.

"We are still pursuing and looking for iron evidence that has been sold. For the evidence that was confiscated was in the form of clothes belonging to the suspect Syamsul Bahri," he said.