Judging Too Much To Make The SKPD Tremble, The DPRD Asks Anies To Eliminate The TGUPP Operational Function

JAKARTA - Commission A of the DKI DPRD asked DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to evaluate the tasks of the Governor's Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP) of DKI.
Head of Commission A of DKI DPRD, Mujiyono, said that his party recommended Anies to remove the operational function of TGUPP. This was conveyed in the plenary meeting of the DKI DPRD.
"Commission A recommends an evaluation of the main functions and authorities of TUGPP by eliminating its operational functions," said Mujiyono at the DKI DPRD Building, Monday, November 9.
After the meeting, Mujiyono again explained that the DPRD had actually asked Anies to evaluate TGUPP's performance several times before.
This is because the current operational function of the TGUPP is considered excessive and interferes with the work of the DKI Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD).
"This operational function scares the SKPD. We have recommended (eliminating the TGUPP operational function) since the beginning, it has been many times," said Mujiyono.
To make it happen, Mujiyono urged Anies to revise Governor Regulation Number 16 of 2019 concerning TGUPP.
"The Pergub revision is related to TGUPP where there is an operational function. If you don't change it, just use your money," he said.
For a long time, the DPRD has been 'hot' with the presence of TGUPP Anies Baswedan. The chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, once revealed that the current TGUPP presence is not effective.
According to Prasetyo, the role of TGUPP cannot boost the governor's performance in completing the regional medium-term development plan (RPJMD).
"The formation of the TGUPP is aimed at accelerating so that the SKPD program is in accordance with the RPJMD vision. But, there, too, not much has been achieved. We'll see, how many programs are accelerated? productive for the welfare of the people, it is used for them," Prasetio told reporters, Thursday, May 27.
Member of Commission A DPRD DKI Gembong Warsono also briefly "flicked" TGUPP. Gembong said that the ranks of the regional work units (SKPD) of the DKI Provincial Government are more afraid of the TGUPP than dealing with the DPRD, which is the supervisor of the work of the SKPD.
"If we ask SKPD which is more afraid of TGUPP or DPRD? The answer is that they (TGUPP) are more afraid of TGUPP than DPRD. Because TGUPP can recommend removing and appointing people, while DPRD does not," said Gembong, Friday, October 22.
Gembong assessed that from the beginning of Anies' tenure until now, TGUPP's intervention was too central. TGUPP, according to Gembong, interferes too much with the operational performance of the DKI Provincial Government.
"TGUPP's performance is very high and very central. Because it is very operational, TGUPP is very operational," said Gembong.