Hundreds Of Ulama Will Gather To Discuss Aceh's Current Conditions

BANDA ACEH - As many as 400 ulama from 23 districts/cities throughout Aceh will hold a meeting to discuss the conditions and improvement of the political world in Tanah Rencong.

"This is a gathering of ulemas throughout Aceh, discussing the polemics that occurred in Aceh, and this activity has no political affiliation with any party," said one of the initiators of the meeting of Acehnese ulama Tgk H Muhammad Yusuf bin A Wahab or who is familiarly called Tu Sop, in Banda Aceh. quoted by Antara, Monday, November 8th.

The meeting, entitled the role of ulama in improving Aceh's politics, will take place at the Hj Yusriah Lampeuneurut Building, Aceh Besar District from 10 to 11 November 2021. It will be carried out by implementing health protocols.

Tu Sop said that basically the meeting apart from the grand gathering of Acehnese ulama also discussed a number of issues regarding the people and political conditions in Aceh which were seen to have been degraded from Islamic values.

“Unifying the views of the ulama, produces the same perception in seeing the phenomenon of politics. Each of them will be asked for their opinion on the condition of Aceh today," he said.

Tu Sop emphasized that the ulema meeting was also not in the context of creating a new political party, but only to solicit suggestions, opinions and input from the ulema in order to realize the improvement of the political world in Aceh.

"This also has nothing to do with the government or political parties, we generate the budget for this activity from the contributions of the ulama themselves," he said.

Tu Sop saw that the current political situation in Aceh had formed a bit of exclusivity, so that it resulted in many people being neglected.

Therefore, the presence of the ulama is considered indispensable to improve the political condition of Aceh today, so that later the ulama can formulate what must be done to make things better for the safety of the people.

"Thus, the Acehnese clerics are present in the midst of the people's problems to improve the current situation," said the chairman of the Aceh Dayah Ulama Association (HUDA).

The meeting will be attended by charismatic Acehnese clerics such as Abu Mudi, Abu Kuta Krueng, Abu Tumin, Waled Nu, Abu Mawardi Dayah Darussalam, Abu Langkawie, Abuya Anwar, Waled Husaini, Abu Jafar, and other scholars throughout Aceh.