Ganjar Denies Expired Vaccine Due To Late Distribution

SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo denied that there was an expired COVID-19 vaccine in Kudus Regency due to delays in the distribution process to the regions.

"Yesterday someone said, they said it would take too long in the province, no. In the province it was at least a day or a maximum of two days. As soon as it arrived, we asked that the day be taken immediately," he said after chairing the Central Java COVID-19 Handling Meeting in Semarang, quoted by Antara. , Monday, November 8th.

According to him, the expiration of the COVID-19 vaccine in Kudus Regency is suspected because the vaccine shipment from the central government has almost expired.

Ganjar gave an example that Purbalingga Regency came to the Ministry of Health some time ago to ask for additional COVID-19 vaccines and was given an abundance of vaccines from Tangerang, which only had a few days to expire.

"Indeed, from there it was close to 'expired', the Purbalingga case for example, they got it directly from the Ministry of Health but it was close to 'expired', but they were able to finish it before it 'expired', so that's good," he said.

Ganjar admits that he never gets tired of reminding regents/mayors regarding the expiration date of the COVID-19 vaccine.

"I keep reminding you, we remind you every week. Be careful, some vaccines will 'expir' on that date. It will be injected immediately, those who cannot raise their hands so that we move them to other areas," he said.

Previously, Ganjar had repeatedly suggested that the COVID-19 vaccine quota should not be determined by the Ministry of Health, but by the provincial government.

"Allow the allocation not to be determined from the Ministry of Health, only we from the provincial government know exactly which areas need acceleration. Regions with good achievements should be given a good 'reward'. The time for asking for an allocation is not given, even though they have worked hard," he said.