Police Will Investigate Hadi Pranoto's Statement on COVID-19 Drugs

JAKARTA - The police will investigate the issue of COVID-19 drug which claimed to have been found by Hadi Pranoto. There are allegations that the statement is a lie because there is no scientific proof.

Hadi stated that claims in the MANJI YouTube Channel. The channel belongs to Erdian Aji Prihartanto, or popularly known as Anji or Manji.

Later, a video entitled 'Can you return to normal? COVID-19 drug has been found!' is no longer on that channel. The video is known to be made in Tegal Mas, Lampung.

"Of course, with this information, we will conduct an inquiry about the truth of the information," said Head of Public Relations Lampung Police, Commissioner Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, Monday, August 3.

The investigators will clarify the statement. Then, they will ask the expert witnesses to ensure whether there is a criminal element.

"It will be seen first from the weight of the problem. Of course, we analyze it first," Pandra said while waiting for a report on this incident.

"This (problem) only appeared yesterday. There is no (report) yet," said Pandra.

Previously, Hadi Pranoto said he had found a herbal antibody drug that could cure COVID-19 in a matter of 2-3 days. The drug has already been distributed to some regions in Indonesia such as Java, Bali, and Sumatra.

"Children, adults, pregnant people, and so on. Alhamdulillah, until now my friends can feel the efficacy of the drug. As a country that has natural wealth with herbs, we can take advantage of the interests of the community itself, strengthen our antibodies," said Hadi, in a video interview with Anji.

However, Deputy Chief Executive of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), Adib Khumaidi, said the statement from Hadi was suspected of being a lie. So, the police will investigate it.

"This, of course, must be explored by the authorities, it is possible that public lies were carried out," he said.